2110135307 6907049354 Μ. Αλεξάνδρου 53, Ίλιον info@medicallabexpert.com
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Medical Lab Expert - Microbiological Laboratory| Ilion Attica

In the hormonal department of our laboratory, we perform hormone measurements in order to ensure the correct functioning of the endocrine system.

The endocrine system, consisting of various glands such as the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, adrenal glands, testes and ovaries, is responsible for secreting hormones that control critical body functions.
These hormones affect growth, metabolism, regulation of electrolyte balance, and many other biological processes.

The precise measurements we carry out in our hormonal department allow us to determine possible disorders in the secretion of hormones, as well as to detect possible pathologies that may be caused by abnormalities in the endocrine system.

Indicative tests:

• Pregnancy test (β-HCG, PAPP-A, sFLT-1, PIGF)
• Thyroid gland test (TSH, FT3, FT4, T3, T4, T-UPTAKE, TG, anti-TPO, anti-TG, antibodies against thyrotropin receptors TRAB-TSI, TBG, TG)
• Control of parathyroid glands (PTH- parathormone)
• Adrenal test (morning ACTH measurement)
• Pituitary test (TSH, prolactin, gonadotropins, growth hormone)
• Male and female infertility control (FSH, LH, prolactin, DHEA-S, DHEA, Δ4 androstenedione, 17-OH PRG, estrone E1, estriol E3)
• Laboratory approach to osteoporosis (PTH, vitamin D3, osteocalcin, bone alkaline phosphatase – BAP, P1NP, B-crosslaps, urine CTX)




We are at your disposal for any information about the laboratory, tests and results.

Possibility of blood sampling at home is provided in case of impossibility of access to our laboratory.
Contract with the EOPYY fund, journalists' fund (EDOEAP) and the army funds (GES - GEA - GEN - COAST GUARD).